target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Dec 2022 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US48510022

The Professional Services Opportunity in DataOps Implementation

By:  Jennifer Hamel Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective discusses findings from IDC's 2022 Enterprise Intelligence Services Survey around enterprise adoption of DataOps solutions and usage of professional services providers. This document highlights examples of services provider offerings to support customers' DataOps implementations and offers guidance to services providers to address the evolving needs of customers pursuing DataOps adoption.

"As organizations look to become data-driven enterprises, DataOps strategies are critical to ensure technologies, people, and processes are aligned to deliver consistent and continuous value from data," said Jennifer Hamel, research director, Analytics and Intelligent Automation Services at IDC. "With an increasingly complex landscape of data sources, software tools, infrastructure choices, and organizational challenges to navigate, DataOps is a ripe area of opportunity for services providers to guide and accelerate their customers' data modernization journeys."


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