target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2021 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US48124421

EY's Lighthouse Platform Supports the CFO Office in Adapting to the New Demands of Financial Forecasting

By:  Alison Close Loading


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This IDC Perspective gives an overview of EY's Lighthouse Platform for intelligent financial forecasting and scenario planning and the increasing importance of these capabilities as part of finance transformation journeys.

"Since the start of COVID-19, IDC research has consistently shown that buyers of third-party finance and accounting services are looking for providers to transform their business by integrating more sophisticated analytics, reporting, and data management and predictive capabilities. We also consistently saw organizations put an immediate focus on cash flow and working capital optimization, among other key financial metrics, to understand how businesses will be impacted. This alone should push finance organizations to use AI to predict financial metrics, create more sophisticated forecasts and, more importantly, understand how unprecedented situations could impact performance moving forward," says Ali Close, research manager, Digital Business Operations and Analytics Services, at IDC.


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