target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2021 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US48118921

IDC PeerScape: Future IT Practices to Achieve Business Objectives with Cloud Deployments

By:  Robert Multhaup Loading


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This IDC PeerScape addresses issues around cloud optimization, with a focus on optimizing cloud deployment decisions. By synthesizing the insights of experienced and successful chief innovation officers (CIOs) and chief technology officers (CTOs), best practices will focus on the following three areas:

  • Define the business drivers of cloud deployment
  • Establish foundational deployment principles to optimize the omni-cloud value
  • Deploy a common "cloud" culture with the business to continuously improve cloud innovations

"The cloud has an impact on multiple dimensions of the business, and it's difficult to envision exactly what the future will bring," says Bob Multhaup, adjunct research advisor with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP). "The CIO is challenged to design a cloud deployment strategy that creates a solid, but flexible, cloud foundation that can be scaled, as the 'right' business opportunities and drivers reveal themselves."


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