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Digital transformation


North America

Stanley B. Gibson

Adjunct Research Advisor

  • By:  Stanley B. Gibson Loading

    This IDC PeerScape provides peer insights to build a data lakehouse."For many organizations, the time is now to move on from legacy data warehouses and data lakes. Building a data lakehouse is not without challenges, but organizations that ...
  • By: 

    • Stanley B. Gibson Loading
    • Amy Machado Loading
    This IDC PlanScape discusses dark data discovery."As the three V's of big data — volume, velocity, and variety — have increased, so have the three U's of dark data — unclassified, unused, and unknown. The time has come to implement file ana...
  • By: 

    • Stanley B. Gibson Loading
    • Marci Maddox Loading
    本IDC PeerScape介绍了利用GenAI重塑CX的三种实践。“GenAI非常强大,但它是新兴事物,而客户是一项宝贵资产。睿智的领导者会把精力集中在POC上,它既能实现ROI,又能将风险降至最低,同时还能为未来更亲密的客户互动指明方向。”——IDC CIO/CXO信息科技智库服务助理研究顾问Stanley B. Gibson表示。
More results   for Analyst Research
  • IDC PeerScape: Peer Insights to Implement Edge Computing


    Stanley B. Gibson Loading


    Big data, Cloud services, Big data infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Cloud computing, Mobility, Technology buyer, Leadership transformation, Omni-experience transformation, Information transformation, Operating model transformation, WorkSource transformation

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 IDC PeerScape Tech Buyer

  • IDC PeerScape: The Future of Work: Everyone Hates the Office


    Stanley B. Gibson Loading


    Big data, Cloud services, Big data infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Cloud computing, Mobility, Technology buyer, Leadership transformation, Omni-experience transformation, Information transformation, Operating model transformation, WorkSource transformation

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 IDC PeerScape Tech Buyer

  • IDC PeerScape: The Chief AI Officer: How’s That Working Out?


    Stanley B. Gibson Loading


    Big data, Cloud services, Big data infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Cloud computing, Mobility, Technology buyer, Leadership transformation, Omni-experience transformation, Information transformation, Operating model transformation, WorkSource transformation

    Planned for CY2024 Q4 IDC PeerScape Tech Buyer