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United States


Technology buyer



Thom Rubel

Adjunct Research Advisor

  • By: 

    • Marc Strohlein
    • Thom Rubel Loading
    This IDC Perspective is an overview of design thinking, a design process that is widely and successfully used outside of IT. It is intended for government CIOs who are looking for tools to help improve chances for success with the complex a...
  • By: 

    • Serge Findling
    • Marc Strohlein
    • Joseph C. Pucciarelli
    • Dr. Ron Babin Loading
    • Cora Carmody Loading
    • Thom Rubel Loading
    • Daniel Saroff Loading
    • Timothy Scannell
    这份IDC研究报告旨在帮助首席信息官评估他们当前具备的技能和能力的成熟度,同时帮助他们确定需要进一步提高的领域,以增加他们成功领导IT和推动企业发展的可能性。本研究还可以帮助IT负责人在开展复杂变革时能分清工作的轻重缓急。此IDC框架旨在帮助首席信息官和业务部门高管立即行动起开,实现他们及整个企业想要和期盼的未来。“随着全球非常态愈演愈烈,首席信息官必须重新评估他们的领导力,以更好地为企业服务,”IDC CIO/CXO信息科技智库服务副总裁Serge Findling表示:“...
  • By: 

    • Thom Rubel Loading
    • Marc Strohlein
    This IDC Perspective is an introduction to the use of business-enabling APIs to create new program, services, and compliance opportunities; grow constituent audiences; and rapidly scale program services development capabilities. It is desig...
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  • Using Digital Transformation Levers to Shift Constituent Values and Behaviors


    Thom Rubel Loading


    Big data, Cloud services, Big data infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Cloud computing, Mobility, Technology buyer, Leadership transformation, Omni-experience transformation, Information transformation, Operating model transformation, WorkSource transformation

    Planned for CY2024 Q4 IDC Perspective Tech Buyer