target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # JPE50868224

Japan Data Platform, Logistics, and Operations Forecast, 2024−2028

By:  Yasusuke Suzuki Loading


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This IDC research document defines the Japan data platform, logistics, and operations market as a competitive market and classifies it into four categories: data protection, data security, data management systems, and other data governance. Based on sales performance and market trends up to 2023, the document forecasts the market size from 2024 to 2028 and considers the impact of the evolution of AI technology on the market.

Kosuke Suzuki, research manager, Infrastructure and Devices at IDC Japan, ventures the following analysis, "Enterprise users in all industrial sectors have the opportunity to carry out innovative business reforms by applying AI technology to data utilization and operations. IT suppliers need to recognize that customer success is directly linked to the expansion of their own business, and they need to focus on providing ongoing support after solutions are implemented."

This is the English translation of the Japanese document IDC #JPJ50703324.


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