Sales Force Productivity and Performance Applications

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Michelle Morgan
Michelle Morgan

Research Manager, Sales Force Productivity and Performance

IDC's Sales Force Productivity and Performance Applications research service will identify, analyze, and evaluate software solutions that meet the unique needs and requirements of B2B sales organizations.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Customer databases/CRM systems
  • Sales intelligence
  • Sales enablement
  • Sales engagement
  • Revenue operations and intelligence
  • Sales performance management
  • AI/ML in sales

Core Research

  • Sales Force Productivity and Performance Market Shares
  • Sales Force Productivity and Performance Market Forecast
  • Sales Force Productivity and Performance Market Analyst Perspective
  • Revenue Intelligence Platforms MarketScape
  • Sales Performance Management MarketScape
  • Revenue Operations MaturityScape

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. What is the size and expected growth rate of the sales force productivity and performance and related markets?
  2. Who are the market leaders, and who is gaining or losing share?
  3. How can sales teams increase efficiency and boost productivity using artificial intelligence (AI)?
  4. What do sales tech consolidation and convergence mean for buyers and sellers?
  5. What are the key software investment priorities and challenges for sales organizations?