target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # EUR152285524

European Public Cloud Platform-as-a-Service Forecast, 2023–2028

By:  George Mironescu Loading


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This IDC Market Forecast looks at the European public cloud platform-as-a-service market for the 2023–2028 forecast period.

"While the days of blind exuberance for public cloud adoption, including for app dev and delivery, are gone, investments in well-established public PaaS categories are expected to continue steadily. Organizations are approaching public cloud deployment options with a clearer head, as many have learned lessons about costs, controls, and consistency. The risks are clearer for many — as are the benefits delivered. This enables organizations to better steer their adoption and modernization programs for app development and delivery in the public cloud. Yet as public cloud starts to become a known and comfortable domain to organizations, a new topic is forcefully disrupting the agenda: AI. Whether the same exuberance and the same mistakes seen with cloud in the past will be made with AI in the years to come remains to be seen," said George Mironescu, research lead, App Dev/Delivery in Europe.


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