target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC Innovators - Doc  Document number: # EUR152107824

IDC Innovators: Cloud Development Environments, 2024

By:  George Mironescu Loading


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This IDC Innovators study provides an overview on the capabilities and portfolios of cloud development environments (CDEs) vendors and how they support organizations in shifting from local dev workspaces to cloud-based platforms. These environments help platform engineering teams drive standardization and compliance across the development life cycle, with the attention being on delivering productivity gains as well as a consistent and frictionless developer experience. The document profiles three vendors that offer innovative solutions in this emerging space: Coder, Daytona, and Gitpod.

"By moving the workspace to cloud, dev teams can focus on actual app dev as opposed to toiling with the maintenance of local code and local machines, including dependencies, pipeline, and infrastructure resource configurations. Furthermore, by centralizing development in the cloud, organizations get to lower their app dev risk positions. This can include improvements in security, compliance, and scaling, leading to gains in agility and time to market," said George Mironescu, associate research director, for Application Development and Delivery at IDC.


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