target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR152073122

European 5G Start-Ups


  • Alejandro Cadenas Loading
  • Ingrid Soukupova Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective provides an overview of the opportunity that working with start-ups represents for CSPs as big corporations. It assesses collaboration models among these two different players and identifies key objectives to achieve from the collaboration. It lists some European start-ups based on 5G connectivity and provides key recommendations for big telco corporations to succeed in these collaborations.

"Telecom players of all kinds are going through a major refocus, where agility and technology must be combined into value propositions and execution capabilities that address the needs of customers," said Alejandro Cadenas, associate vice president of 5G and IoT Research at IDC Europe. "Collaboration with start-ups and the development of an ecosystem of key start-ups in different domains are great assets for corporations to develop in this space."


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