target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # EUR150621323

European UC&C Quarterly Update, 4Q22


  • Oru Mohiuddin Loading
  • Graham Fruin Loading


  • 25 slides

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This IDC Presentation highlights updates for the last quarter of 2022. It illustrates revisions in forecasts and competitors' year-to-year performances by unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) technology in Europe. It also showcases survey data on business buying patterns. The latest forecast for UC&C technologies is based on the full-year 2022 market performance. The forecast is that UC&C in Europe will have a 6% CAGR for 2022-2027. This is primarily due to UC as a service (UCaaS) and UC collaboration, with both having 8% CAGR each during the forecast period. Videoconferencing systems have a 3% CAGR off the back of strong growth in huddle room endpoints. IP telephony/UC systems have continued to decline, with the CAGR now at -10%.


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