target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Dec 2022 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # EUR149858422

UC&C Country Focus: France — Key Factors to Succeed in the Market

By:  Oru Mohiuddin Loading


  • 22 slides

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This IDC Market Presentation looks at UC&C market dynamics in France. This new type of report was introduced in 2022 to provide an in-depth country-level flavor, combining market and survey data. France is one of the leading markets for UC&C in Western Europe, but the growth forecast follows that of the U.K. and Germany. It is the third-leading market after the U.K. and Germany, with businesses opening up to UC&C to adapt to modern ways of working, but appetite for new solutions is still low. Solutions need to be tailored to the country's specific requirements. Trust is the most important issue for France not just in terms of security — the vendor needs to be widely visible as part of the social fabric.


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