target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Dec 2022 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR148684722

European eSignature Market Outlook

By:  Jacqui Hendriks Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective examines the European outlook for the application of esignature technology.

"The European esignature market is fragmented, with varying software vendors establishing a stronghold by country," says Jacqui Hendriks, associate research director for European Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions at IDC. "eSignature is a critical part of a broader content management portfolio that aims to provide an end-to-end response to process automation. eSignature deployment success will be measured by its ability to play an instrumental role in providing a streamlined and secure process, which improves the employee and end-customer experience and furthers the development of secure digital identity that is legally admissible."


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