target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # AP52117524

Infor Innovation Summit — New Product Updates and Announcements: Asia/Pacific (Including Japan) Perspective

By:  Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading


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This IDC Market Note provides an insightful overview of the Infor Innovation Summit held in New York City on March 18 and 19, 2024, emphasizing the Asia/Pacific (including Japan) (APJ) perspective. The event showcased Infor’s strategic direction, industry focus, customer successes, and latest product innovations, underscoring the company’s commitment to delivering value through its industry-centric enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions.

"Infor continues to drive innovation to its portfolio of solutions, and it is well recognized by its industry-centric capabilities across the services and discrete and process manufacturing industries. Although Asia/Pacific is still minor compared with the rest of its worldwide business, the opportunity for growth is large. Its future growth and success in Asia/Pacific will be determined by its ability to effectively demonstrate meaningful value outcomes to customers, both directly and through its partner ecosystem,” says Daniel-Zoe Jimenez, Vice President, Digital Innovation, Software, CX, DNB/Start-ups, SMB, Consumer and Channels Research.".


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