target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # AP51591824

The Impact of Digital Sovereignty on Asia/Pacific Telecoms Sector


  • Swathi Arunaa Loading
  • Nikhil Batra Loading


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This IDC study examines the rise of digital sovereignty with an increase in focus on digital transformation (DX) and the use of cloud-based services. The need to secure data and workloads has gone beyond data sovereignty. Communications SPs (CSPs) have vast amounts of proprietary and sensitive data and are embracing virtualization or cloud migration for their DX. Amidst all these developments, there is a parallel requirement to adhere and uphold regulatory policies for digital sovereignty in an increasingly decentralized and digital landscape.

"As CSPs embrace new technologies, they have unlocked opportunities to scale deployments, increase flexibility, and provide tailored solutions for their customers to increase their service portfolio and monetization endeavors. CSPs must achieve and uphold the principles of digital sovereignty to manage data, applications, platforms, and cloud services to continue to gain the trust of consumers and enterprises and overcome concerns over data privacy and security," says Swathi Arunaa, senior research analyst on telecoms and Internet of Things, IDC Asia/Pacific.


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