target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # AP50344023

How Generative AI Is Set to Play a Leading Role in IT Operations


  • Dhiraj Pramod Badgujar Loading
  • Daniel-Zoe Jimenez Loading


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This IDC Perspective offers insights into how generative AI plays an important role in IT operations (ITOps) management in Asia/Pacific. It also provides a brief overview of the significance of generative AI in ITOps and its role in ITOps workflows. As technology disruptions in the region continue to escalate, leveraging automation and infusing generative AI have become essential for organizations to mitigate business risks, minimize errors, improve efficiency, and enhance productivity. Enterprises in the region have wholeheartedly embraced a digital-first approach, resulting in increasingly complex applications for their business operations.

"Generative AI has the potential to increase the overall productivity of ITOps teams by streamlining ITOps workflows, lowering operational expenses, and increasing system dependability. However, generative AI systems must be properly implemented to ensure that they correspond with enterprise goals and that adequate guardrails are in place to manage unanticipated events," says Dhiraj Badgujar, senior research manager, IDC Asia/Pacific's Digital Innovation Practice and xOps Program.


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