target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2022 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # AP49446623

Smart Cities Asia/Pacific Awards (SCAPA) Report Series: Smart Water


  • Jezamin Abdul Razak
  • Manoj Vallikkat Loading
  • Ravikant Sharma Loading


  • 9 slides

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This IDC report covers selected projects from Asia/Pacific countries that employ smart water technologies, as part of the Smart Cities Asia/Pacific Awards (SCAPA) program. A smart water system results in water services that are more financially sound, which better serve both urban and rural populations while simultaneously reducing financial losses. The combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and visualization tools enables authorities to forecast and manage the water bodies in a more effective manner.

"New technologies are being used by Smart City authorities to digitally revolutionize water resource management in order to make conservation easier by providing more precise data in real time, scientific decision making, and increasingly user-friendly services. In order to guarantee the reliability and efficacy of water resource management, it is important for governmental organizations to make investments in the development of more advanced water technologies that are flawless and tamper-proof," says Jezamin Abdul Razak, head of Government Insights, IDC Asia/Pacific.


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