Communications Service Provider Operations and Monetization

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Meet the Experts

Photo of John Byrne
John Byrne

Research Vice President, Communications Service Provider Operations and Monetization

Photo of Rohit Mehra
Rohit Mehra

Group Vice President, Network and Telecommunications

New software technologies and infrastructures are fueling the transformation of the communications industry. IDC's Communications Service Provider Operations and Monetization service examines communications service provider (SP) investments in software-driven IT and network systems to support business-critical operations and strategic activities of the communications SP and its customers. By leveraging interactions with communications SPs and other ecosystem players, this service analyzes the operations and monetization systems, platforms, and technologies most relevant to communications SPs. It provides the critical market sizing, forecasts, vendor profiles, growth drivers, and more.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Operations and monetization systems, including service fulfillment, end-to-end service orchestration, assurance, customer experience, billing, fraud management, and revenue assurance
  • Orchestration, management, and monetization of virtualized and cloud-native network functions
  • Real-time charging and policy management
  • Communications industry partner ecosystems (B2B2X)
  • 5G operational readiness — orchestration, operations, assurance, monetization, and partner ecosystem management
  • Operational platforms for digital transformation (DX) and customer experience management (CXM)
  • IT systems for network virtualization and monetization
  • Cloud and IoT service enablement and billing

Core Research

  • Worldwide Operations and Monetization (OSS/BSS) Forecast
  • Network Virtualization, NFV, and Market Development Insight
  • NFV and SDN on Communications SP Operations and Monetization
  • Workload Segmentation of Communications SP IT Infrastructure
  • Communications SP Customer Experience and Digital Strategies
  • Global Monetization Forecast and Analysis
  • B2B, B2C, and B2B2X Partner Ecosystem Enablement
  • Solution Delivery and Monetization as Cloud-Based Solutions

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. How do communications SP teams serve the DX goals of business leaders, and how do they transform their operations to consistently provide superior service experiences and customer interactions?
  2. Will IT operations partnerships with communications SP business leaders change faster than network cooperation with communications SP business teams as the use of IT practices and technologies increases?
  3. Which operations and monetization specialists will survive industry consolidation? What is the role for smaller niche players?
  4. How are communications SPs embracing IT platforms for virtualized network infrastructure, 5G operational readiness, and other IT practices? What are the key evaluation criteria?
  5. How can communications SPs make money with cloud, IoT, and 5G? What do they need to know to properly enable their organizations to deliver B2C and B2B business solutions?
  6. How well are communications SPs capitalizing on network, customer, and operational intelligence to improve the customer experience and enhance business operations?