target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # US52564524

Energy Consumption of AI and GenAI Workloads in Datacenters, and How These Technologies Can Offer Sustainability Benefits


  • Olga Yashkova Loading
  • Sean Graham Loading
  • Peter Rutten Loading


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Table of Contents

  • Executive Snapshot

    • Figure: Executive Snapshot: Energy Consumption of AI and GenAI Workloads in Datacenters, and How These Technologies Can Offer Sustainability Benefits

  • In This Market Note

  • IDC's Point of View

    • AI and GenAI Energy Consumption Is Rapidly Increasing

    • Figure: Worldwide AI and GenAI Workloads Energy Consumption, 2023–2027

    • Heat Dissipation Challenges

    • GenAI Is an Energy-Intensive Workload, But It Can Offer Sustainability Benefits

    • Advise for Datacenter Operator

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis