target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2021 - Document type: IDC FutureScape - Doc  Document number: # US47913321

IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Future of Intelligence 2022 Predictions


  • Chandana Gopal
  • Dr. Chris Marshall Loading
  • Dan Vesset Loading
  • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading
  • Jennifer Hamel Loading
  • Ritu Jyoti Loading
  • Peter Rutten Loading
  • Carl W. Olofson Loading
  • John Rydning
  • Shane Rau
  • Jon Duke


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Table of Contents

  • IDC FutureScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Future of Intelligence 2022 Top 10 Predictions

  • Executive Summary

  • IDC FutureScape Predictions

    • Summary of External Drivers

    • Predictions: Impact on Technology Buyers

    • Prediction 1: By 2025, 10% of F500 Companies Will Incorporate Scientific Methods and Systematic Experimentation at Scale, Resulting in 50% Increase in Product Development and Business Planning Projects — Outpacing Peers

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 2: By 2023, 70% of F1000 Enterprises Will Be Involved in Intercompany Intelligence Sharing Based on Common Standards, Values, and Goals, Strengthening Mutualism in Ecosystem Relationships by 50%

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 3: 40% of the G2000 Will Double the Use of Intelligent Automation in Knowledge Retention, Dissemination, and Information Synthesis by 2026, Filling the Skills Vacuum in the Data to Insights Life Cycle

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 4: By 2026, 30% of Organizations Will Use Forms of Behavioral Economics and AI/ML-Driven Insights to Nudge Employees' Actions, Leading to a 60% Increase in Desired Outcomes

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 5: A Lack of Meritocracy-Based Data Culture Will Erode Trust in Management, Reducing Employee Satisfaction and Increasing Turnover in Two-Thirds of Mid to Large Enterprises by 2024, Exacerbating Skills Gaps

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 6: By 2023, 60% of Enterprise Intelligence Initiatives Will Be Business Specific, Purpose Built for Business, Shortening the Data to Decisions Time Frame by 30%, Driving Higher Agility and Resiliency

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 7: By 2024, 30% of the G2000 Will Leverage Post-Pandemic Automation Initiatives, with the Role of the Middle Manager Evolving to That of a Visionary, Curator, and Connector, Driving Collective Intelligence

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 8: By 2025, to Reduce Reputational Risks, 40% of G2000 Companies Will Be Forced to Redesign Their Approaches to Algorithmic Decision Making, Providing Better Human Oversight and Explainability

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 9: By 2026, Advances in Computing Will Enable 10% of Previously Unsurmountable Problems Faced by F100 Organizations to Be Solved by Super-Exponential Advances in Complex Analytics

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 10: By 2025, Three-Fourths of Large Enterprises Will Face Blind Spots Due to a Lack of Intelligent Knowledge Networks and the Harmonization They Provide Between Localized and Centralized Intelligence

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Business Impact

    • Guidance

  • Advice for Technology Buyers

  • External Drivers: Detail

    • Pervasive Disruption Continues — Volatility, Opportunity, and Resilience

    • Cybersecurity and Risk — The Threat Environment Just Keeps Scaling

    • The Future Enterprise — Thriving in a Jungle of Agile Innovation

    • Embracing Digital First — New Strategies for Complexity and Ubiquity

    • The Velocity of Connectedness — The Future Is Data in Motion

    • Intelligence on Demand — Navigating the Torrent of Data

    • Workforce Outlook — Redefining Teams, Reinventing Models, and Rethinking Leadership

  • Learn More

    • Related Research