target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # US52509324

Application and API Security Survey Presentation, 2024

By:  Christopher Rodriguez Loading


  • 47 slides

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This IDC Survey examines the results of IDC's 2024 Web Application and Availability Protection Buyer Insights Survey (n = 1,039). In addition, it provides extensive insight into IT buyer needs, perceptions, and plans for application security. This IDC Survey illustrates the preferences, attitudes, and behaviors of B2B buyers of security technology products and services to inform vendor's marketing and sales practices. The document also provides information about:

  • Attitudes about application and API value and influences on future purchase choices
  • Tech buyer needs and expectations for application security capabilities
  • The role of convergence trends in the buying decision journey
  • Buyer perceptions of changing technologies and related risk calculations
  • Vendor types/sources desired for implementation


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