target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52407324

Mission Critical: Securing Omni-Channel Retail from Supply Chain to Cyberspace and Everything in Between

By:  Margot Juros Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses the NRF Protect 2024 conference held in June, which highlighted escalating retail security threats from growing loss and fraud threats to supply chain vulnerabilities to more sophisticated cyberattacks and emphasized the need for integrated cyber and physical security strategies in the battle against retail crime. Key takeaways for retailers facing heightened levels of fraud, loss, and cybersecurity threats include breaking down security silos, leveraging integrated data and AI for fraud and loss prevention, the renewed importance of RFID, and more proactive measures against cyberthreats. Retailers are advised to adopt next-gen technology solutions and collaborative approaches to combat these evolving threats effectively and ensure business success.

"In an era of escalating and more sophisticated retail threats, new approaches and next-gen technology defenses are becoming imperative to beat back the retail crime of today as well as the evolving threats of tomorrow," said Margot Juros, research director, Worldwide Retail Technology Strategies at IDC.


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