target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52385724

IDC's Global CIO Advisory Board — Best Practices for IT Procurement


  • Nupur Singh Andley Loading
  • Philip Carter Loading
  • Tony Olvet Loading


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This IDC Perspective summarizes IDC's Global CIO Advisory Board discussion on IT procurement best practices. The speaker was Henrik Bruun-Pedersen, director, Head of IT Procurement, Ramboll.

"Procurement is a strategic element of IT sourcing. By facilitating a comprehensive and fair product/vendor evaluation, procurement provides valuable support and guidance to the CIO to make informed purchase decisions. The success of IT procurement discipline is defined by the collaborative efforts of the IT and procurement departments. Acknowledging the distinct value each team brings to the process is critical to nurture a cooperative environment, enabling both teams to utilize their combined strengths to negotiate and secure favorable deals." — Nupur Singh Andley, research manager, C-Suite Tech Agenda Program, IDC


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