target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US52338924

Generative AI Use Case Taxonomy, 2024: The Capital Markets Industry

By:  Thomas Shuster Loading


  • 47 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation highlights generative AI (GenAI) use case examples for the capital markets industry. IDC believes that the transition to AI everywhere will see the emergence of a range of new generative artificial intelligence-driven use cases at an individual level (productivity-based), at a business function level, and in an industry-specific context. IDC is publishing industry generative artificial intelligence use case taxonomies for 18 industries, including the capital markets. This presentation segments generative artificial intelligence use cases into 5 areas: compliance and reporting, employee engagement and enablement, customer engagement and enablement, operations automation, and risk management and financial crime. For each associated use case, a description is provided, an example is given, the data modalities are shown, and the business impact is explored. Finally, metrics for success and the relative risk and complexity of implementation are assessed.


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