target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US52322624

Navigating the Uncharted, 2024 — Managing the Risks in Generative AI Implementations

By:  Daniel Saroff Loading


  • 18 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation addresses the critical frameworks to guide in the deployment decisions of generative AI (GenAI). With global, core IT spending on GenAI projected to exceed $40 billion in 2024, businesses are increasingly investing in these technologies. However, the potential for significant risks, including in the areas of data privacy, security, and governance, remains a major concern. A substantial portion of CEOs and CIOs believe that technology vendors do not fully comprehend these risks. To mitigate such challenges, organizations need to assess their AI maturity levels, categorize use cases from productivity to industry-specific applications, and ensure robust model architectures and security measures.

This Tech Buyer Presentation outlines a framework for managing GenAI implementation risks, emphasizing the importance of selecting the right infrastructure stack and partners. A mixed approach of building and buying AI solutions tailored to an organization's specific needs is recommended. Key considerations include model and data handling, aligning AI projects with business goals, and maintaining rigorous control over AI governance. By prioritizing proper infrastructure and strategic partnerships, businesses can navigate the complexities of GenAI and leverage its potential for differentiation and value creation while minimizing associated risks.


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