target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US52303124

IDC's Worldwide Carbon Management Software Taxonomy, 2024

By:  Amy Cravens Loading


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This IDC study, the inaugural taxonomy for worldwide carbon management software, delineates the evolving landscape of carbon management solutions designed to support enterprises in data collection, emissions calculations, and decarbonization strategies. It segments the market into categories such as carbon data aggregation, decarbonization intelligence, and carbon marketplaces, highlighting the shift toward data-driven emissions reporting and the integration of AI to enhance carbon accounting capabilities. This taxonomy reflects the growing demand for tools that aid organizations in meeting ESG criteria and advancing toward a low-carbon future.

"Embrace the future of sustainability with IDC's taxonomy, guiding enterprises through the evolving landscape of carbon management software." — Amy Cravens, research manager, GRC and ESG Management and Reporting Tools at IDC


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