target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52188423

Breaking Down AI for Usage for the Office of the CFO

By:  Heather Herbst Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses the usage of artificial intelligence (AI) for the office of the CFO. Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the finance sector by enhancing decision-making, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs. CFOs, however, often struggle with understanding AI's applications within their departments. This document breaks down AI into understandable segments like machine learning, natural language processing, and robotic process automation, showcasing their benefits in financial operations. It emphasizes the importance of CFOs educating themselves and their teams on AI to leverage its potential fully, thereby driving innovation and competitive advantage in corporate finance.

"Unlocking AI's potential in finance transcends buzzwords, transforming CFO roles with data-driven decisions and operational efficiency. CFOs need to educate themselves about the different types and how they might benefit their organization." — Heather Herbst, research director, Worldwide Office of the CFO


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