target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US51982124

Key Sustainability Trends for Managed Print Services Tech Buyers, 2024

By:  Robert Palmer Loading


  • 23 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation focuses primarily on results from IDC's 2024 Print Sustainability End-User Survey. The survey was designed to identify how companies view the implementation and deployment of sustainability initiatives within the print and document infrastructure and examines the impact of sustainability in the print environment to provide a comparative analysis between managed print services (MPS) and non-MPS customers. This presentation also includes support material from IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Sustainability Programs and Services Hardcopy 2023 Vendor Assessment (IDC #US49892223, December 2023).

Organizations can significantly contribute to sustainability efforts by optimizing their office print and document infrastructure. Meanwhile, adopting an MPS program can drive further environmental benefits, including dramatic reductions to energy consumption, waste, and carbon emissions.

Specifically, this presentation explains why it is critically important to:

  • Establish clear sustainability targets for your MPS engagement
  • Evaluate vendors based on their own corporate sustainability objectives
  • Conduct an internal sustainability audit of your print environment
  • Seek out vendors that offer reforestation services and carbon offsetting programs as part of their MPS program
  • Recognize the importance of product features and capabilities designed to address sustainability attributes, and consider all print- and non-print-related portfolios
  • Understand the sustainability consulting services that vendors offer to complement their MPS and hardware offerings


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