target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US51982024

IDC PlanScape: Print Modernization to Enable an Effective Hybrid Workforce

By:  Robert Palmer Loading


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This IDC PlanScape discusses the importance of modernizing the print environment in the context of the new hybrid working model. It highlights the need for a disciplined approach to shifting print infrastructure to the cloud, with a focus on print enablement that is consistent with the organization's broader objectives around IT modernization. The document also emphasizes the importance of enabling and supporting a zero trust security model for printing and suggests the involvement of various stakeholders across the organization. It concludes by providing advice for technology buyers and referencing related research.

"By moving to a cloud-based model for print and print management, businesses can gain financial flexibility, reduce the burden of owning and managing assets, and achieve a sleeker approach for print that is built on a range of cloud-hosted services," says Robert Palmer, research VP with IDC's Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions Group. "Through a print modernization strategy, businesses can drive innovation throughout the print and document environment, leveraging agile data-driven platforms to create a balanced approach for ensuring access to print while enabling a clear path to digital transformation."


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