target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51946622

Java Cements Its Relevance to Contemporary Development with JDK 21's Bevy of Language, Concurrency, Security, and API Updates

By:  Arnal Dayaratna Loading


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The IDC Market Perspective discusses the enduring relevance of Java in contemporary software development, particularly with the release of JDK 21. It highlights Java's versatility and adaptability across various applications, including generative AI and non-generative AI use cases. The document also explores the key features of JDK 21, its significance to developers, and its impact on the future of Java. Despite the rise of natural language and low-code/no-code tools, Java's importance is expected to increase in tandem with the adoption of generative AI technologies.

"Java's enduring versatility and adaptability across a wide range of applications are aptly illustrated by the features included in JDK 21. This adaptability renders Java indispensable to modern application development," said Arnal Dayaratna, research vice president, Software Development, IDC.


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