target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US51829024

IDC PlanScape: Responsible AI Capability Design

By:  Serge Findling Loading


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This IDC PlanScape explores RAI capability design, a proactive approach to ensure AI development aligns with ethical principles, user expectations, and organizational values. Investing in RAI design offers significant benefits, including consideration of the whole enterprise and its ecosystems, engaging the stakeholders, and making AI an integral part of the business while improving brand reputation, regulatory compliance, and risk mitigation.

It is essential to differentiate RAI capability design from the actual implementation and deployment of AI solutions. This document focuses on designing the framework and establishing best practices, laying the groundwork for RAI development. Refer to The CIO's Recipe for Orchestrating Responsible AI Capability Implementation (IDC #US51834624, forthcoming) for more on the implementation phase.

"As AI becomes an integral element of strategy, business, and operations, organizational leaders must steer their AI initiatives with a profound sense of responsibility," says Serge Findling, adjunct research advisor with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP). "Navigating the burgeoning landscape of AI legislation while embedding ethical considerations into the fabric of AI deployment is not merely regulatory compliance but a cornerstone of modern, sustainable business leadership."


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