target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US51774324

Worldwide Location and Geospatial Data Management and Analytics Software Market Shares, 2023: Rising Tide Lifting All Ships

By:  Lynne Schneider Loading


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This IDC study contains estimated market shares for the worldwide location and geospatial data management and analytics software market for 2023. It includes commentary on growth of the market, emerging trends, and actionable advice for suppliers of this software and related markets such as database management, cloud storage and computation, and business analytics.

"With all top vendors reporting growth and the market witnessing dynamic expansion, especially among smaller firms, the sector is poised for continued advancement, driven by broader adoption and technological innovations such as artificial intelligence," Lynne Schneider, research director, Location and Geospatial Intelligence, IDC.


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