target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC TechBrief - Doc  Document number: # US51444724

IDC TechBrief: GenAI-Enabled Learning Management Systems

By:  Matthew Leger Loading


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This IDC TechBrief informs K-12 and higher education leaders about emerging generative AI (GenAI) capabilities in learning management systems (LMSs). The document helps education leaders understand the risks, benefits, and strategic considerations as they prepare their institutions for GenAI-driven change in the classroom. It emphasizes the importance of organizational readiness, AI literacy, and governance to safely and effectively leverage GenAI in teaching and learning.

"Generative AI has flipped the world of education on its head. As institutional leaders explore ways to leverage this emerging technology to their benefit, there are few technology companies better positioned than LMS vendors to help put these tools into the hands of educators in a way that can be truly impactful," said Matthew Leger, senior research manager for IDC's Worldwide Education Digital Strategies research program.


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