target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Nov 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51397123

A Grounded Assessment of GenAI in Industrial Operations

By:  Jonathan Lang Loading


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This IDC Perspective provides key considerations for enterprises considering the potential use of GenAI in their industrial operations business units. GenAI has garnered an unprecedented amount of attention as a set of technologies with transformative potential. But as with all new technologies, enterprises must be critical about their own preparedness and the true capabilities of the technology and conduct a thorough risk assessment to determine where and how the technology fits for their business.

"It's difficult for companies to really wrap their heads around new technologies," says Jonathan Lang, research director for IDC's Worldwide IT/OT Convergence Strategies research program. "I always encourage companies to be critical about where they are and what problems they are solving rather than fall into the promise of utopia that so often comes with these new technologies."


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