target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51376724

Storytelling Will Enhance AI, Collaboration, Communities, and Trust

By:  Wayne Kurtzman Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective highlights the growing importance of storytelling in enterprise collaboration and communities, emphasizing its role in enhancing communication, knowledge management, and AI context. It outlines the C-CAST framework (collaboration, communities, AI, storytelling, and trust) as essential for grounding AI in relevant content. The research also discusses the evolution of the collaboration market, driven by trust, AI integration, application optimization, increased visualization, and the significance of human dynamics and culture in adopting new collaborative technologies.

"Technology has reached the point where things that are old are new again. This is the case in using storytelling mechanics to improve collaboration, communities, AI, and other enterprise content," according to Wayne Kurtzman, research vice president, IDC's Social, Communities and Collaboration. "Multimodal stories provide greater depth to collaborative and community content and add context for the workforce, partners, and customers, as well as help train implementations of AI."


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