target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US51268023

Key Customer Trends in Edge Adoption and How Edge Complements IoT Services

By:  Abhishek Mukherjee Loading


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This IDC Market Presentation showcases the current trends and applications, user behavior, and challenges related to edge in IoT services. It also highlights the purchase decision-making parameters for enterprises and provides essential guidance to technology suppliers such as engineering service providers on how to capture and cater to these opportunities. Increasing demand for data sovereignty and lower-latency applications and increasing capacity of the growing IoT ecosystem are driving the need for adopting edge as a part of IoT solutions and services among enterprises. Engineering service providers play a key role in delivering edge infrastructure and solutions as a part of their IoT service offerings.

IDC's Worldwide IoT Services Survey data is utilized to represent the end-user adoption trends across edge services. The sample size of 503 respondents included enterprises from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan, from a variety of industries and organization sizes ranging from 500 employees to 10,000+ employees.


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