target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Nov 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51235823

Future of Digital Infrastructure: Bare Metal on Dedicated Cloud IaaS Supports Rush Toward Generative AI

By:  Chris Kanaracus Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses the future of digital infrastructure with respect to bare metal on dedicated cloud IaaS. Dedicated cloud infrastructure as a service (DCIaaS) solutions give customers a way to enjoy the benefits of public cloud inside their private locations, supporting IDC’s Future of Digital Infrastructure framework’s pillars of ubiquitous deployment, autonomous operations, and cloud-native technology. Bare metal offerings via DCIaaS are growing in number, giving customers additional advantages around system performance and latency, security, and ease of deployment for legacy workloads and workloads that aren’t suitable for virtualized environments.

“Bare metal is a fast-growing category in the public cloud market, IDC research shows,” said Chris Kanaracus, research director, Cloud Infrastructure Services, IDC. “Bare metal instances play a critical role in supporting key workloads and their growing availability on DCIaaS, which is itself seeing explosive growth, is a welcome development for customers.”


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