target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US51218023

IDC Cloud Pulse 2Q23 Executive Summary: Macroeconomics and Cloud Buyer Priorities

By:  Penny Madsen Loading


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This IDC Market Presentation reveals that cloud buying behavior has been impacted by a range of macroeconomic pressures (in positive and negative ways) since the COVID-19 pandemic. This IDC Market Presentation uses IDC's 2Q23 Cloud Pulse Survey data, which collects responses from more than 1,300 cloud buyers globally, to assess where impacts are felt most and how cloud buyers are seeking to overcome these impacts. It provides a particular lens on impacts felt as a result of inflationary pressures and currency challenges and takes a deep dive into the role sustainability now plays in the cloud marketplace from the application right up to cloud vendor requirements, including sustainability reporting tools.


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