target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51079224

Utilizing the Enterprise Application Ecosystem

By:  Mickey North Rizza Loading


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This IDC Perspective looks at the additional value enterprise application ecosystem partners are bringing to organizations globally. The digital world requires a focus on automation. From SaaS and cloud to generative AI to additional configurable and customized workflows, industry differentiating features and functionalities, integrations, extensions, and plug-ins, the automaton opportunities are endless. Organizations have traditionally focused on just their main enterprise application and service providers, but now organizations are finding additional value from the rest of the partner ecosystem.

"Value from enterprise applications and their ecosystem partners continues to be front and center for organizations in the digital world," said Mickey North Rizza, group vice president, Enterprise Software at IDC. "As organizations embrace the digital world, the technology vendors and their ecosystem of partners become critical to the technology strategy in both the short term and long term, enhancing automation and intelligence."


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