target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2023 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US51040323

Worldwide Enterprise Applications Software Forecast, 2023–2027: Digital Era Brings Opportunity

By:  Mickey North Rizza Loading


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This IDC study brings forward the worldwide enterprise applications software forecast and provides a vision into 2027, including deployment models, trends, and significant market developments.

"The digital era has ushered in new opportunities for enterprise application vendors to bring better products, rich in features, functionality, and innovation," said Mickey North Rizza, group vice president, Enterprise Software, IDC. "The enterprise application's market future is enabled by automation and the ability to compete, gaining market share because of the differentiating factors found in the technology. New software entrants have an ability to totally reshape the markets, redefine software, and change the future indefinitely. Current market participants can become more entrenched while also redefining the future of their markets by understanding what is needed now to create stickiness for years to come. Hold on to your hats folks, the enterprise application world is shifting and the best is yet to come!"


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