target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US50841623

Top Benefits of RFID/IoT in Retail Subindustries

By:  Jordan K. Speer Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight provides data and analysis of the top benefits of RFID/IoT technology across several retail subindustries.

RFID/IoT technology allows product movement and location to be tracked and traced as products move (or sit still) across the end-to-end supply chain. It provides many benefits, which include efficient handling of materials, reductions in shrinkage, improved product availability, tracking of order shipments, risk mitigation, improved inventory accuracy, more efficient store operations, and improved customer satisfaction. Retailers find that they receive many benefits from RFID/IoT technology, but not surprisingly, what is considered the top benefit varies by category, depending on the specific nature of the subindustry.


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