target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # US50814424

eSports Market Update: Co-Streaming to the Rescue

By:  Lewis Ward Loading


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This IDC Market Note assesses the impact that co-streaming, which is also known as community casting, has had on popular esports tournaments in the past year. It also considers what this trend portends for core esports market suppliers in 2024.

"Co-streaming may be 2024's hottest esports trend. The fans have spoken: they like and want co-streamers. Esports vendors must adjust their strategies to take advantage of this opportunity, which, interestingly, illustrates how esports works quite differently from real-world pro sports leagues." — Lewis Ward, director of Gaming, eSports, and VR/AR, IDC


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