target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2023 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US50774623

Industry Buyers Handbook: Worldwide Oil & Gas, 2023

By:  Gaurav Verma Loading


  • 33 slides

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This IDC Market Presentation provides insights to help technology vendors understand the factors that drive technology buyers in worldwide (WW) oil & gas (O&G) organizations in their investment decisions for technology sourcing and digital-services-related procurements. Vendors can use this Industry Buyers Handbook to:

  • Identify the current-trends-specific technology focus of the buyer's organization
  • Align the company's proposition with the buyer's strategic priorities
  • Position the technology offering to respond to the buyer's business objectives
  • Develop a compelling narrative that resonates with the buyer's requirements

"Tech supplier leadership dedicated to global O&G businesses must rethink the energy systems of tomorrow, industry aspirations, and the unprecedented current market situation, playing the role of a key strategic partner to O&G organizations. This doesn't only require help with the right technology but beyond that — a thoughtful consideration of current investments that could lay a foundation to build a future-proof tech architecture, making businesses resilient to recession and other potential economic downturns," said Gaurav Verma, research manager, IDC Energy Insights


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