target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US50549124

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems Service Providers 2024 Vendor Assessment


  • Jean-François Segalotto Loading
  • John Villali Loading


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This IDC study represents the vendor assessment of service providers in the area of distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS).

"The proliferation of distributed energy resources (DERs) globally has spurred investment and research and development (R&D) efforts in creating innovative strategies and technologies that can enable utility distribution networks to manage dispersed and cleaner forms of energy in the most optimal and economical manner. DERMS are still a nascent space in the utility sector but is making significant strides. DERMS are now becoming a top priority for utility executives as the utility and power sector is seeing a shift toward decarbonization efforts driven by the energy transition. Distributed energy resource management systems are becoming essential software offerings to assist utilities in managing a cleaner and more efficient power grid," said John Villali, senior research director, IDC Energy Insights.


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