target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US50532023

Storage as a Service Offers Significant Opportunity for Vendors of On-Premises Infrastructure to Build Revenue and Improve Systems to Better Address Customer Needs

By:  Carol Sliwa Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight explores customer sentiment about on-premises storage-as-a-service offerings (STaaS) that aim to provide a public cloud–like model for the procurement, deployment, and management of infrastructure. Examples include Dell APEX, HPE GreenLake, NetApp Keystone, and Pure Storage Evergreen. This document contains results from IDC's Infrastructure for Storage and Data Management Survey, completed in January 2023. IDC surveyed 600 IT and line-of-business managers who are familiar with their organizations' storage systems, and most indicated they use or plan to use on-premises STaaS.


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