target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US50456523

Distributors Rely on Services Innovation to Elevate Their Role in the SaaS Provider Ecosystem

By:  Frank Della Rosa Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight answers the following question: Which distributors do emerging SaaS providers partner with? Distributors offer ISVs a portfolio of essential services ranging from SaaS transformation to sales support, partner management, market development, finance, and logistics. However, there is little doubt that the traditional distribution model will experience continued disruption from the ISV shift to services and an ever-expanding portfolio of cloud service provider SaaS services. Results from IDC's CloudShare 2022 research show that revenue growth opportunities, a robust technology ecosystem, innovative finance solutions, and partner reach drive SaaS provider investment in a distributor relationship.


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