target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Feb 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US50403622

IDC Survey Spotlight: Business Consulting — What Is the Optimal Amount of Time for a Provider to Prepare Before Starting a Consulting Project?

By:  Bill Latshaw Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight presents insights from the IDC MarketScape for people and organization and employee experience. We asked 54 business consulting buyers about the length of time it took between when they signed a contract and the consulting firm proceeded to work with the client.

The variation in the amount of time between when a contract was signed and a business consulting provider began to fully engage with a client is not unexpected. While a contract may have been signed, it does not mean that the provider's team is assembled and ready to begin or that the client counterparts are yet ready to start the project. Alternatively, the contract is signed in anticipation of a coming project engagement. This does not mean that the consulting provider is idle between the time of the signing and the official work begins. It may be an indication that the full provider team is not yet committed until that time.

This document shares how to appreciate when and why the full consulting staff may be delayed in providing services.


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