target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50269623

Worldwide Enterprise Resource Management Software Market Shares, 2022: The Digital Era Is Shifting Market Shares

By:  Mickey North Rizza Loading


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This IDC study provides vendor market shares for the worldwide enterprise resource management software market for 2022.

"Organizations are evolving their resources to a future state such that they are investing more in technology to automate all business processes, enabling the employee to use their mind with more insights that help deliver better decisions and valued outcomes," said Mickey North Rizza, group vice president, Enterprise Software, IDC. "Vendor market shares will continue to shift, as the future lies in the enterprise resource management applications that bring more automation, less employee keystroke clicks, augment the human mind, and continuously deliver innovation such that the business is more competitive, scales quickly, and is more agile in response."


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