target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Feb 2023 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US50204523

Worldwide Enterprise Network Consulting and Integration Services for Private 5G Networks Forecast, 2023–2026

By:  Leslie Rosenberg Loading


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This IDC study discusses market dynamics that influence enterprise network consulting and integration services for private 5G networks and provides insight into developments that will influence demand for the 2023–2026 forecast period.

"Private 5G will act as an enabler for new use cases and business models, which will require an ecosystem of partners," states Leslie Rosenberg, research vice president, IDC Network Life Cycle and Infrastructure Services. "Network consulting and integration firms are well positioned to help their enterprise customers assemble the technologies and partners across networking, infrastructure, applications, endpoints, and cloud to bring a private 5G solution to life."


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