target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2023 - Document type: Market Analysis Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50028323

Market Analysis Perspective: Worldwide Managed Cloud Services, 2023

By:  David Tapper Loading


  • 27 slides

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This IDC Market Analysis Perspective provides a general overview of buyer needs and provider requirements for the outsourcing markets involving IT outsourcing (datacenter outsourcing) and network and endpoint outsourcing services (NEOS), as well as IDC's extraction market called managed cloud services (MCS). More specifically, this presentation provides insights into strategic factors shaping managed services, partnering with public cloud providers, use of sovereign clouds, key business and technology requirements, governance, and the move to a new operating model. In addition, this document provides insight into critical industry trends for these markets as well as the top 10 vendors for IT outsourcing and managed cloud services along with five-year forecasts for IT outsourcing services, NEOS, and MCS (managed cloud services). Finally, this presentation provides IDC's essential guidance for competing effectively in these markets.


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